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Welcome to the Ford Pro™ Warranty’s section. It is designed to provide you supplemental information to assist your fleet in minimizing downtime and maintenance costs.
Qualified Ford Pro Customers must possess a FIN Code. Gas Powertrain Warranty previously offered on Medium Duty continued. 5-Year/160K Kilometres – whichever comes first. See your dealer for details.
Ford Pro has you covered up to 8-Year/160K kilometres for hybrid/electric unique components. Applicable to hybrid and electric vehicles only. See your dealer for details.
Flexible Ford Protect can help eliminate the variability associated with servicing your vehicle, offer a potential reduction in your overall operating expenses, and accurately budget life cycle expenses. Choose from a variety of repair protection programs and maintenance coverages to address your vehicle servicing needs.
Coverage of components due to normal wear, mechanical breakdowns, and repairs caused by defective material or workmanship.
Includes tire change, lockout, out-of-fuel, battery jump-start, and towing assistance of up to 200 km to your servicing or selling Dealer, Emergency Travel Expense reimbursement.
If the vehicle is inoperable and must be kept overnight for a repair covered by the Ford New-Vehicle Limited Warranty, Ford Protect or Customer Satisfaction Programs involving an Ford Protect covered component, you will be reimbursed up to $50 ($60 for Lincoln) per day for up to 10 days.
An option to minimize downtime and provide a comparable vehicle that provides up to $90 per day for up to 10 days.
Provides a rental vehicle up to $50 ($60 for Lincoln) per day on the first day the vehicle is dropped off for a Ford/Lincoln protect repair.
$100 deductible is standard. $0, $50 and $200 deductible options are also available. The Premium Maintenance Plan has a $0 deductible.
Ford Protect is backed by Ford and honored at all Ford and Lincoln dealerships in the United States, Canada and Mexico.
The Ford Installment Payment Plan (IPP) gives customers the option to purchase Ford/Lincoln Protect coverage in 6, 12, 18 and 24 month installments using MasterCard, Visa, American Express or monthly direct debit from their checking/savings accounts.
Because Ford Protect contracts are transferable to future owners, it can add resale value and assist with the retirement of your Fleet.